Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentines Day should be everyday. Available or Not.

We spend so much time and many of us so much money on February 14th to show our love. Many wait at work to see who's getting flowers first, or who's left out of the flower circle. Celebrating Valentines Day is such a wonderful idea, but Valentines Day should be everyday.

When we love ourselves, only can we then truly love another person. Completely giving and celebrating everyday in love. Celebrating Love should not just be about valued gifts, but also our time. Whether with someone we love or with ourselves. Shutting down our Ipads and turning off TV's. Our time or Me time!

Completeness with who we are allows us to ignore people that are no longer important and focus on people that are. Once we are no longer wasting our time, only then can we give love and be ready to receive it.

If this day seems to pass you by and you feel all alone, use this time to celebrate you! Celebrating you will help you celebrate your love with someone special when the time comes. Love is something that should be built on complete inner happiness and being in tune with yourself both spiritually and mentally. Give yourself a big high five today, with someone special or without. Life is not about a day, it's about living the best heart day everyday.

Remember, Love is like a flower that grows. Let's water it today, tomorrow and everyday!