Sunday, December 4, 2011

Pink Party Decor

Throwing a Pink Party is lots of fun. I had a blast creating it.

I wanted to make cake pops, but decided to use pink marshmellows with pink candy melt. Simple elegant idea without the baking. Great decision. Everyone loved them.

Keeping everything simple and elegant made this pink party one not to miss. I kept the "Sweet Stop" table filled with cupcakes, strawberry taffy candies and dark pink chocolate candy balls. What a treat for us all.

The Pink decor theme shines through with small decorated water bottles.

I didn't use pink cupcake wrappers. At least the birthday girl insisted she liked them just the way they were. So without wasting the pink wrappers, I decided to make flowers with them. Can you tell the flower next to the cake is a cupcake wrapper?

Fun times. We had a blast!
Property of Infinite Wedding Block

All photos are property of Infinite Wedding Block.

Friday, October 28, 2011

How does a woman choose a man to marry.

I'm hearing more and more women say, "I need a man, but I don't have time to wait a year for marriage." Now that's pretty stressful, right?

Dating is a time to dwell together, relax, enjoy and learn about each other. Spending 90% of your time running around trying to rush into marriage and have babies is not an ideal situation. Over time, a man knows when he is ready to get married. You should not want to marry a man that is not ready for marriage.  As women we should want to fall in love and love the characteristics and inner soul of our future husband. Meeting a man and asking him initially about babies can be a turn off for both of you over time. Chemistry is something that does not lie. If chemistry is there, wait to build on that chemistry to see where your dating will take you. After a few dates, you should know if you are ready to exclusively date and prepare yourself for marriage. However, here are a few pertinent questions and observations you should make before wanting to marry:
  1. Does he love God and attend church?
  2. Does he treat you as though, you love him more than he loves you? Instead of the other way around.
  3. Does he treat you with endearment. Does he feel as if he cannot be without you?
  4. How does he talk about his ex-girlfriends?
  5. How were his previous breakups/marriages?
  6. How does he treat his mother or women in his family?
  7. What are his life plans? Is he just living life day by day?
  8. Is he overly aggressive toward you after a dispute?
  9. What is his type of woman? ( Ex. dark, light, petite, solid, curvy, long hair, short hair)
  10.  What are his Family traits/genetics? (Ex. sickle cell trait, mental illness)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Don't Drink Alcohol, but most of your guest do? Alcohol Alternatives.

Infinite Wedding Block
 Having a Party or Event and you don't drink Alcohol?

Don't feel pressured to go out and fill your home with alcoholic drinks you will never use again. There are many non-alcohol alternatives your guest will simply indulge in. 
  • Strawberry & Pina Colada Virgin Daiquiris
  • Milkshakes (Chocolate, Strawberry, Cherry)
  • Cocktails (Strawberry, Cherry, Berry)
  • Sparkling Cider ( Various Flavors )
  • Lemonade (Berry, Strawberry, Guava)
  • Floats ( Root Beer, Creamsicle)
  • Selzer Water
Have a variety of Non Alcoholic drinks. Your guests won't even miss it!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Living Below Your Means, as Husband and Wife.

Photo: Venice Italy
1. Self Control - Don't give into life's pressure of spending on what you want, rather than what you actually need. Do your best to meet 95% of your basic needs and 5% of your wants.

2. Write down the total amount of your Income. The actual net amount of you and your spouse. Place that number in an area that is visible to both you and your spouse on a daily basis.

3. Freeze your credit cards or don't rely on them. Think: "If I don't have the cash for it, I probably don't need it."

4. Pick up Sunday's Newspaper and clip out coupons to use on your cooked meals. and many Grocery Stores offer online coupons and shopping deals. Print them out or add the app to your IPhone.

5. Buying dinner each night can easily place your spending into the unnecessary over your means pile of spending. Make a trip to Marshalls or Walmart and pick up a handy cook book for $3.99. You can rotate your meals weekly and even take brown bag lunches with leftovers.

6. There will always be 7 years of "Plenty" and 7 years of "Famine." Prepare yourself for both. Having the   financial flexibility at the end of the day is all that should matter.

7. Live your life through yourself and not through anyone else. It's all on you at the end of the day when all the bills are due.

8. Have an emergency fund. One of the hardest things to do! Whether it's just $1 a day. Place $1 under your mattress each morning for a year.

 9. Share! If your into books or dvd's, swap with your friends or borrow them from your Library.

10. Don't take on additional expenses. Spending everything you've earned, makes living your life together very uncomfortable.

11. Pay your bills on time to avoid paying late fees and interest.

12. Study your expenses. Review all your outgoing funds. Write them down and see if they were necessary. Learn how to avoid similar spending situations in the future.

13. Stay healthy. Having less money each month can cause excessive stress.

14. Avoid car repair delays. Regular oil changes, tire rotations etc are necessary to maintain your car for as long as possible. Delays equal bigger problems.

15. Roth IRA's are good retirement plans. You actually fund a Roth IRA with money you already paid taxes on.

With over 14 Million unemployed, it's hard to look at this list. However, Believe you can make anything possible. Adjust whatever circumstance your in the best way you can, and remember your purpose. Things will get better.

Monday, August 8, 2011

50 Ideas to Inspire Your Husband

    Provided by:
  1. Send him an e-mail. Example: “Praying for you today. Thanks for being so courageous in ___.”
  2. Give him one night on a regular basis to do something he loves.
  3. Consistently mention ways you see him growing to be more like Christ.
  4. Initiate great sex.
  5. Ask him about his “bucket list”—the top list of things he’d like to do in his lifetime.
  6. Give him a book or audio CD to learn about something he loves doing.
  7. Ask him about some dreams he has—and pray about them together, evaluating them. Then ask how you can help him go after them.
  8. Text him on a stressful day. Example: “REMINDER: I BELIEVE IN U.”
  9. Make sure he feels respected by you.
  10. Leave sticky notes in his lunch, on his steering wheel, in his briefcase, etc. “So proud of all you’ve been doing with ___”. “You are so great with our kids.” “You are my dream come true.” “You are an incredible lover.”
  11. Suggest that he take some time to go pursue a hobby.
  12. Leave a message on his voicemail: “Thanks for going to work every day to take care of our family. You are so good at what you do.”
  13. Ask him how you can pray for him at work. Later on in the week, get an update from him on what you’ve prayed for.
  14. Be proactive about doing something together that he really enjoys. Make a date, get him excited, and share his enthusiasm!
  15. Tell him areas he’s gifted in. Don’t stretch the truth: Be honest so he can trust you.
  16. Pray for him.
  17. Initiate great sex.
  18. Start and keep a “Dreams” binder with him. Include some travel brochures or whatever gets you both energized. In the back, make sure you have a “Dreams turned reality!” file.
  19. Talk with your husband about setting aside a small part of the budget to pursue the unique ways God has designed him (including his gifts, abilities, and passions)—through education or through sheer enjoyment.
  20. Post on his Facebook wall: “I love being your wife! See me tonight regarding this.”
  21. Gently communicate with him about what you like in bed, and respond encouragingly to his attempts.
  22. Remember a dream that he had a long time ago. Talk with him about whether it’s still a dream—and still a possibility.
  23. Ask God to open your eyes to the ways He has made your husband unique, and to give you wisdom about how to maximize that workmanship.
  24. Have your children write him notes or letters about what they love about him as a dad.
  25. Initiate great sex.
  26. Ban yourself from nagging, which is the Great Life-Sucker.
  27. Ask, “If I could do one thing that would really empower you and inspire you, what would it be?” Then listen, resist being defensive (the hard part), and follow through.
  28. Remind him of specific times when he’s made an impact on other people’s lives. “Hey, I was thinking the other day about all the time you invested in that Cub Scout troop. Wonder what those boys are doing now. It was so cool to watch them grow with you as their leader.” “Our son has grown so much in encouraging people lately. He gets that from you; you are such a good example for him in that.”
  29. Buy him something small to stoke the fires: A journal for a writer, some carpentry pencils for a woodworker, some grilling tools for the master chef. Add a sweet note: “Just because I love the way you’re made.”
  30. Do something fun and unexpected together. A few ideas to try: paintball; laser tag; on a spring day, have a picnic, blow bubbles, and bring the books you’re reading; swing; play a pickup game of a sport together; go to a drive-in movie, bring popcorn, and instigate a make-out session.
  31. Think about a way you’ve been hurting him, annoying him. Or there may be ways you’re not “seeing” him—not stepping into his world to understand what it’s like to be him, with all of the things he cares about. Apologize, and work hard at showing true change.
  32. Initiate great sex.
  33. Go to a home improvement store to plan a small, doable project that energizes both of you, even if it’s just painting a room or fixing up some landscaping. (Hint: Be positive that it’s something by which he won’t feel burdened.)
  34. With quality, complete something from his to-do list for him—something that he’d rather have you do anyway.
  35. Find a mutually enjoyable activity you like doing together on a regular basis, even if it’s as simple as playing the Wii together after the kids are in bed.
  36. Create a cheerful atmosphere when he comes home.
  37. Design a date night that will help him to de-stress and have fun.
  38. Discover his “love language,” and become fluent in it.
  39. Pray about and pursue at least one dream of your own, talking with him about it. An inspired wife breeds inspiration.
  40. What’s difficult about his life right now? Pray for his endurance, and encourage him specifically. Galatians 6:9 is a great start for both. Think, What can I do to ease the load he’s carrying?
  41. Organize or clean something in your home that you know he finds messy.
  42. Send a snail-mail love note to him at the office, affirming him in his work.
  43. Think of something on his honey-do list at home that he finds overwhelming or for which he doesn’t have much time. Talk with him (respectfully and gently) about the possibility of hiring someone to do it. Communicate clearly that it’s not because you find him incompetent, but that you want to free him up from a burden.
  44. Initiate great sex.
  45. Be a student of your husband. Does he feel inspired if he has all his ducks in a row? If he has a creative space to think? If he feels verbally affirmed?
  46. If your man is into dressing nice, go with him to shop for clothes in which he feels confident.
  47. Let him overhear you speaking well of him on the phone, among friends, or in public places. And to your mother.
  48. In his area of weakness, pray about how to subtly, gently step in and help him.
  49. Tell him what a great dad he is. Be specific.
  50. If and when he messes up, respond with the kind of grace, compassion, and mercy that God gives you. Respond in a way that communicates, You’re safe with me—and I’m not going to rehash your failures. This is a secure place for you to grow … and I love the journey with you.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Bridesmaids Quandaries

Image by Infinite Wedding Block
 What's the purpose of having Bridesmaids? 

Bridesmaids are people who genuinely love and care about you.

That is a question you should ask yourself before selecting bridesmaids for your Wedding. Yes, it looks great to have them, but at the end of the day, it's not about them. It's your day, and if they are truly your friends, they should enjoy helping and spending time to help make your day a success.

Remember, there is life after your wedding day for all parties involved. Your life has actually started and future preparations have begun. Once your day is over, the last thing you look forward to are Wedding day expenses. The last thing your Bridesmaids want to look forward to are Bridesmaids expenses well after that day.

Once you're engaged, call your selected 2 or more Bridesmaids immediately to prep them to save. Shop around for the best deals and be respectful to their finances as well as yours.

We all have friends, but not everyone deserves to be called your Bridesmaid.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Outdoor Weddings & Events

Summer Is Here!!

The Outdoors is a great idea for a summer wedding or event. An outdoor wedding can take place by the ocean or even by a beautiful garden in your back yard. Your decorations should be well planned to compliment the natural beauty of the outdoors.

Your female guests will love shopping for beautiful hats to shade them from the sun. I've suggested to couples if they are having an outdoor wedding to also implement umbrellas to shade their guests from the heat. Colors of umbrellas should match the colors of your wedding. It's a beautiful added touch to your outdoor wedding.

Flower isle arrangements made of beautiful roses and lillies are a perfect added isle decor to help keep your guest from roaming in the isles.

Paul Pierce's Oceanfront Wedding was breathtaking! The couple was surrounded by white orchids, roses and hydrangeas. 

Never underestimate the great effects of a well planned outdoor wedding.

By Infinite Wedding Block

Monday, May 30, 2011

Niecy Nash ties the knot!!

Niecy Nash weds in an outdoor ceremony held in Malibu, California. Congrats to the Beautiful Bride & Groom..

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Inside Look Tamera Mowry’s Wedding Photos

Take an inside look at Tamera Mowry's Elegant Wedding. She was such a Beautiful Bride!! Congrats to the new couple.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Mother's Day Gift Ideas

“Knotted Couture” Monogrammed Quilted Tote Bag - Can be filled with her favorite body sprays and lots of goodies. 
Costs: $19.99

  • Chic, quilted-nylon tote bag with ivory, criss-cross stitching

  • Fabric straps pass through silver-metal eyelets and are knotted on the outside of the bag for a fun, fashionable look

  • Secure snap closure

  • Can be monogrammed

  • "Cosmetic Couture" Quilted Monogrammed Make-Up Bag
    Costs: $5.99

  • Black, quilted cosmetic bag with ivory, criss-cross stitching

  • Zipper closure with signature Kate Aspen charm

  • Can be monogrammed

  • "Little Black Purse" Patent-Leather Five-Piece Manicure Set
    Costs: $6.99

  • Shiny patent-leather purse has chain handle and snap closure

  • Interior is lined with soft, black velvet

  • Manicure set includes nail file, cuticle pusher, orange stick, nail clipper and scissors

  • "It's a Shoe Thing!" Shoe Bottle Opener
    Costs: $8.99

  • Chrome shoe bottle opener with rhinestone accents

  • Opener measures 1 ¾” h x 1 ¼” w x 4 ¾” l

  • Passion-pink gift box says "It's a Shoe Thing!" Shoe Bottle Opener on the front and back

  • Shoe-box top is jet black with small, white polka dots, a black, grosgrain bow and a matching "For You" tag

  • "The Cosmopolitan" Monogrammed Jewelry Pouch
    Costs: $7.99

  • Black pouch has easy-to-clean, polyester exterior and luxurious, pink-satin lining

  • Bottom of pouch is padded for extra protection

  • Eight pockets hold earrings, bracelets, charms, necklaces, ankle bracelets and rings

  • Snap-on pink-satin button includes embroidered initial of the recipient

  • Friday, April 29, 2011

    Tips on Cutting Costs

    Simple Arrangements: A simple rose or carnation in an inexpensive vase on your guests' tables will make a beautiful centerpiece. Most Planners or Florists will even rent vases which can help reduce the cost of your centerpiece.

    Silk Flowers: You will have to literally touch flowers to determine if they are real. Silk flowers can be one of the nicest flowers that resemble real flowers. You can use them on the pews or in places that your guests can view them from a distance.

    Your Garden: Try growing your own flowers. Visit your local Depot store and ask about growing your flowers. You will be surprised how simple it is to grow your very own flowers for your wedding.

    Seasonal Flowers: When working with your planner or florist, ask which flowers will be in season on your wedding date. Seasonal flowers will be less expensive than flowers that are out of season.

    Edible Centerpieces: If your centerpieces are edible, you can save on flowers. Use fresh strawberries or apples dipped in chocolate. The centerpieces on your guests table can be used as a dessert or a take home snack for your guests.

    Bouquet Option: Most Brides feel it's a must to purchase an expensive bridal bouquet. Instead of spending hundreds, use a dozen long-stemmed roses, carnations or gardenias. You can purchase ribbons that match your flowers or your wedding color to tie around your flowers.  

    Invitations: Always double check your guest lists to delete names of guests you know are unable to attend. If you know for sure they are unable to attend your wedding, it's not necessary to send them a save the date. Ofcourse if you receive a gift, a thank you note should be sent. There are many great online wedding stationery stores. One of my favorite for the cost friendly bride is, Vista Printwhich offers great deals on free shipping and are alot less expensive. 

    Favors: At Infinite Wedding Block, we are also resellers of favors. We have hand picked favors we feel are both inexpensive and stunning for our Brides to choose from while planning their wedding. There are a lot of crafty brides, but sometimes it's worth the cost to have your favors shipped to your door with nothing to do. Visit Infinite Wedding Block which offers weekly deals, discounts and free shipping. Follow us on twitter to immediately know when you can save. Twitter

    Centerpiece Arrangement Photo provided by

    Wednesday, April 6, 2011

    Five Ways to Save Money on your Wedding

    Green Plantable Favors sold at

      1. Change the Day, Time or Month of your Wedding.

      Saturdays at anytime are one of the biggest wedding days. If you want to save money on reception costs, getting married on a Sunday during brunch or lunch instead could save you a few extra bucks. Also, keep in mind, you have more negotiating power when your getting married in an off peak wedding season.

      2. Why pay for Postage.

      Instead of asking your guests to RSVP by Mail, ask them to RSVP by e-mail or a quick phone call. Saves everyone the effort and saves you money on postage.

      3. Small to Medium Guest List.

      Yes we all have friends that hear we are getting married and decide to call us after 10 years. Hey, we should not feel obligated to invite the world or our long lost friends. Your wedding should be a place of joy and happiness with your closest friends and family that love you dearly. If you don't speak to someone regularly, 2-3 years, then leave them off your guest list. This reduces your invitation, favors and reception costs.

      4. Bridal Gowns.

      I refer Brides to immediately put their name on the mailing lists of Bridal Salons or sign up on Designer websites. This will provide you updates on Sales and allow you a chance to print out coupons as well. You can also look on EBay for Gowns. I know, but you will be surprised to see the wedding gowns of women who may have changed their minds on their dresses without one wear of it. This is guaranteed to save you hundreds instead of walking in a Bridal Store and picking up your dream wedding dress.

      5. Stick to your Budget.

      You know your income and you know what you can afford. Remember, you have to live after your big day and it's only going to be you and your spouse when the lights go off. When making a budget, be fair with your estimate and be fair to yourself. Always be prepared to negotiate below your actual budget for each venue to make sure you are placing yourself with enough room to have extras.

      More Ways to Save coming soon.. or e-mail us for any questions you may have.